Monday, August 4, 2008

Starting Over

Wow. It has been over a year since I started this blog on a whim. In that period of time, much has changed. I have moved to Iowa and succumbed to the freezing...ahem...fall weather and a winter from wherever it is that hell freezes over. I have gotten to know a bunch of new people in a new parish and am adjusting to living in a small town once again. Its been a great year! The first of fifty years in Hartford according to the fine print of my contract, says the Personnel Committee.

Well, now that I am learning the ropes I figure that it is time to reboot this blog in the hope that I will do or say something meanful that will inspire someone somewhere. That is really all we bloggers can hope to do, right? Coming off of a week of Synod School where I was challenged to think, reflect, and yes...write...I think it is high time I make this a practice of mine. I have debated about whether or not to leave everything up or start over. But I have grown to like my writings and until I offend someone vigorously, I will keep them up. I am challenging myself to think outside the box, so I best be able to live with the consequences!

If you are reading this and a little confused as to my blog title, I want to take a minute to explain that while I do appreciate the fact the you can spell the word 'Presbyterians' by using all the letters of Britney Spears, my favorite female Presbyterian celebrity would probably be Robin Roberts.

I will try my best to blog. You should try it, too!

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